Which is more powerful? Religion or science? This is a million dollar question. Priests and Scientists all over the world argue on this. So which is more powerful? Well. Let’s see what the science has to say. Science is proven and Religion is not. Everything which science suggests is proven by various methods but nothing which the religion suggests is proven. Let it be the Big Bang theory or the existing of atoms in every matter. All is proven. Without any science, mankind won’t survive. Mankind won’t be able to reach its ultimate goal - How to be immortal. Only science can answer all the question which occur in a human’s brain. Can you find how to survive Alzheimer’s disease using religion? Of course not. Before science was born, death rate was so high and birth rate was very low. Now see. Birth rate have increased while very less people die today. How was it possible? Ask the same question to a religion person. Religion is better than science. Even though every religion’s...