Well, one cannot say that Brain is the most beautiful thing on Earth, but you need to know that it’s purpose is not to be beautiful but to work. Believe it or not, Human brains is one of the most intelligent brains ever known. This pinnacle has been achieved because of evolution. Animals usually use their teeth, claws, powerful bodies or their camouflaging capabilities to survive. But human are different. They totally rely on their sense of experience, knowledge and skills to survive. We could not have survived if it wasn’t of our powerful and big brains. But this has come with a problem. As brains started evolving, they got bigger and bigger. Brains are one of the most energy-hungry organs in our body. It uses 15% of the blood and 20% of the oxygen in your body. This is consumption level after brain is fully build. In toddlers, the brain consumes 60% of the energy available. This is because toddlers have to learn a lot in a short span of time like how to eat, how to talk, etc. So, we now have a idea how hungry is this organ. So, as the brain got bigger, the body was facing a tough time coping with the demand. Also, they wasn’t a lot of space for the brain to reside. This is were wrinkles of the brain come into play. The wrinkles of brain, or sulci, are actually folds in the cerebral cortex, which is the outermost region of the brain. They ultimately reduced the space taken by the brain and the energy consumption of the brain. Also, they help by keeping the nerve cells of our brain close together and speed the connections between them. So, that means the ‘ugliness’ of brain actually helps us to think, act and react faster. BTW, I don’t think that any organ is really that beautiful. Heart looks like a deflated football, lungs as two soggy ice packs and stomach as a meaty jute bag. But as they remain inside the body, no one really cares. And if you guys still think brains are ugly, you must know that human brains are, as I have said before, one of the most sophisticated things ever discovered. They are so complex that they may win the ‘Most complex stuffs in the universe’ contest. And if human brains still remind you of that rotten cauliflower, I give up.