

Hello guys! This is your boffin daydreamer, returning after a long time. Today, I am here to bring    an interesting topic which is surely going to blow your mind if you already don’t know about it. As you all know, this is an era of science. Due to the development in science and technology, we have made everything artificially. I am not only talking about abiotic resources, but also about biotic resources. Well, if you don’t understand, you must know that science has made it possible to grow food in lab. Let me emphasise that. Food from labs. Yes, you heard it right.  Labs have had constantly worked on improving the production of food products    on limited piece of land by science. They came up with fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides and so on and so forth. At one point of time, scientists thought ‘Why not make food itself in the labs?’ And that is what they exactly did. Presently, we have made man-made meat. This was done by taking one stem of muscle from the animal, which was th


Hey there! This is your daydreamer asking you a question. Do you know what exactly is infinity? Most of us will say that infinity is a not defined number. Or someone will say that Infinity is opposite of zero. The truth is that no one knows what exactly is infinity. Not even the most intelligent mathematician, believe me. So, we will try to decipher the meaning of infinity today. Now let us first put forward the problem of finding the value of infinity. According to Google, Infinity is that number which is boundless, endless and larger than any natural number. While making the number line, mathematics had already decided that the number line would be a  line , which means a line segment in which both the ends go on for ever. But if both the ends go on for ever, it means that there is no number which will end the number line. At this point of time the mathematicians got confused for first, the number line should not end and second, the value of the last number must be known. So, finally


Meta verse. Let us first understand what does that means. A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection (Source - Wikipedia). Now for the answer. Are we living in meta verse? This question is as complicated as finding how to wrap time and space together. No one can say that sure. For us, our house, car, parents and ourselves might feel very real but what if it was all an illusion? Or just any game? What if we did not really exist? What if all this is a dream and could be erased in just a blink?  Confusing isn’t it? You might say we are living in a real world as it hurts when we pinch ourselves. Ha! Who says that pain cannot be felt in an illusion? Another conflicting question. See, pain is observed and sensed in our brain. This is where we visualise dreams. It is very much possible to feel the pain in a dream if we are in REM sleep as our brain gets easily confused between what is a dream and what is real. Did you ever wonder that if something happened in t


This is a question which pops every time when we eat anything spicy. When we eat anything spicy, we immediately feel a burning sensation in our tongue. Tears start pouring out from our eyes if it too spicy. But why? Why is it so? Does our body does not like spicy food? Well, let us understand it with science. There is a family of protein sensors which is present in tongue. It detects hot or cold things. The chemicals present in the spicy food triggers these proteins and they (the proteins) think that the tongue is in fire and send signals to brain. Hence, we think that our tongue is in fire when we eat spicy food. There are a lot protein sensors in our body. They are mainly found in skin and tongue. The sensor which detects temperature is TRP-channel protein. For example - TRP-A1 detects temperature from 10-15 degree Celsius while TRP-V1 sense temperature from 40-45 degree Celsius. Now, 10-15 degree Celsius range is too cold to burn us. So, when TRP-A1 sends signal to the brain, the br


  Ha. Questions is bit weird, right? Or obvious, you might say. But the answer is no. Colours technically don’t really exist. Before you book an appointment with your eye doctor, you must read the following to know more about colours. Now, we all know that grass is green. But did we ask ourselves  why it i s green? Maybe not. Now, lemme tell you why it is green. We all know that white light is a combo of 7 colours. Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These different ‘colours’ are actually different frequency. Red has the maximum frequency while violet has the minimum frequency. Because of the variation in the frequency, our eyes apprehend different types of colours. So far good? Ok. Now, different objects have different properties. Some deflect colours while some absorb. Let’s take the example of grass. Grass has a property to absorb all the colours expect green. They deflect only green colour and hence, we say that grass is green. Some objects deflect more that 1 colo


  Ah yes! This is a superb questions. We all know that climate change is one of the biggest crisis the world is currently facing. But this crisis is bit different than the others, for this is not only gonna affect the present youth but is also gonna affect the future generations. So, out of the blue, electric cars were invented to lessen the effect of climate change. But little did they know that it was not gonna help us in a long run. This is because just like petrol cars, electric cars also have some disadvantages. 1. Less Powerful - When compared to petrol cars, electric cars are less powerful. This is because a tank full of petrol gives more energy than a fully recharged battery. Also, electric cars need a lot more energy to travel than petrol cars. So electric cars are less powerful and have to be recharged more often. 2. Lithium Batteries - Now, lithium is usually used to build rechargable batteries. But the problem is that lithium is not readily available. In fact they are too r


  What would the life be if we were residing in Mercury? Hmm... That is a tricky one. But one thing would be clear. We and the others would be floating this very minute because Mercury has a very low gravitational pull. Air conditioners would have been invented a long time before because Sun would have been just about 66.6 million kilometer away. It would have been a hell lot of trouble to squeeze in 7.9 billion people in this small planet. Moreover, life in mercury would be like life in a desert. People would be receiving extreme heat for the first 58 days and extreme cold for the next 58 days. This is because Mercury takes about 58 days and 15 hours to rotate around its axis and the side facing the Sun faces extreme heat while the side facing away from the Sun shivers because of unbelievable coldness. Remember, night would be fully dark because there would be no moon to reflect light of the sun and light up the night sky. The best thing and the worst thing would be that you would cel


This is a good question. But answer is simple. Water bears. Water bears are the toughest animal is the world. When I say water bears, the thing which might come into your mind must be the big brown bears licking honey or a polar bear swimming in the cold waters of artic. But this creature is different. It's actual name is Tardigrade. They are weird, microsopic animals that looks like a fat woodlice. They look like insects, but they are not. In fact, they are so different and unique that they have their own group 'Tardigrada'. Presently, there are 900 known-species of this interesting creature. They grow just over 1 mm and eat plants, mosses and bacteria and live almost everywhere. They are called water bears because they waddle and usually live where water is present. But they also live happily where not a single drop of water is found. Now, you might find this creature pretty amusing and weak but I can asure you that it is toughest animal till date. As usual, we will compa


  Well, one cannot say that Brain is the most beautiful thing on Earth, but you need to know that it’s purpose is not to be beautiful but to work. Believe it or not, Human brains is one of the most intelligent brains ever known. This pinnacle has been achieved because of evolution. Animals usually use their teeth, claws, powerful bodies or their camouflaging capabilities to survive. But human are different. They totally rely on their sense of experience, knowledge and skills to survive. We could not have survived if it wasn’t of our powerful and big brains. But this has come with a problem. As brains started evolving, they got bigger and bigger. Brains are one of the most energy-hungry organs in our body. It uses 15% of the blood and 20% of the oxygen in your body. This is consumption level after brain is fully build. In toddlers, the brain consumes 60% of the energy available. This is because toddlers have to learn a lot in a short span of time like how to eat, how to talk, etc. So, w


Trachtenberg system is a system which helps us to perform very fast math calculations. It was invented by Jakow Trachtenberg, who was a famous Russian mathematician. He invented this system to distract himself when he was in a Nazi concentration camp. Okay, enough of that talk. Let's dive and check what the system is about. This system, as I told before, actually helps us to perform mental calculation faster. There are a set of pre-memorized calculations in this system, which is probably the secret of this system's accuracy and speed. According to the book "The Trachtenberg Speed System of Basic Mathematics", a boy used Trachtenberg method to solve 5132437201 times 452736502783 in just 70 seconds. This time, I'm not joking. Clearly, this system is very effective and fast. But sometimes one can get muddled up, for the method can sometimes be slightly confusing. But all in all, this method is very cool, fast and accurate. So, how did this system help me? Well, I l